OLIS & an HP 8453 UV/VIS
OlisWorks Win 10 computerization + a great diode array spectrometer
= Your favorite ‘new’ UV/Vis system for research & pedagogical use
No one will know that this is not an entirely new UV/Vis spectrometer!
Excellent optical performance and OlisWorks Win 10 software provide you with fast and efficient measurements (190-1100 nm with 1 nm resolution) and software which captures, displays, and analyzes 2D and 3D results.
The original manufacturer ended support for these solid-state UV/Vis instruments long ago. OLIS provides three choices: computerize yours, refurbish yours, or buy from us. The second two choices are warrantied exactly like new OLIS products.
Add OLIS and third-party accessories for temperature control, chemical denaturation, and more.
Save yourself thousands of dollars and minimize your carbon footprint with an OLIS computerized HP 8453 UV/Vis. You will (again) have a proud stopping point on the tour of your lab.
Standard Model Performance
Absorbance UV, Vis, or NIR
Download Specifications
Upcycle from Standard

“… commending Olis for your masterful refurbishing of 8453 specs. I cannot say enough about how important those machines are, and without Olis and your expertise, we would have to settle for inferior instrumentation. Your service has been outstanding, competitive and important to the community. Thank you.”
Zachary A. Wood, Ph.D., Professor and Graduate Coordinator, University of Georgia
"We are definitely interested in fixing up the second 8453, but we are shut down at the moment. I will send you the unit as soon as we are able."
Colby College,May 2020
“Everyone should just have one for taking the absorbance of something. It’s quick, easy, you just turn it on. I mean, everyone needs an absorbance peak for their fluorescence, CD, CPL measurements, and this is a great choice for them as well as for the lab that needs a really good, but not super great UV/Vis.”
Elisabeth Millsap, Customer Support Engineer @ OLIS
Why Choose the OLIS Upcycled 8453?
The solid-state diode array UV/Vis is a very good instrument. Replacing it is justifiable only if you need faster acquisition (aka, the OLIS RSM 1000), monochromatic measurement light (a scanning model), or turbid sample studies (a CLARiTY).
ChemStation both dates the systems and frustrates the operator. Win 10 OlisWorks is obvious, direct, and links directly to Excel for external data processing and GlobalWorks for internal (OLIS) processing.
Every 8453 upcycled is one kept out of the landfill. Waste not, want not! Be part of the solution.
Ask for a price quote today!
Not sure if you should choose a diode array, CCD, or scanning spectrophotometer?
Reading this may help.
There is no downside to upcycling
There is no downside to replacing ChemStation and the original computer with OLIS’ Win 10 computerization. The solid-state design makes these instruments reliable for many decades. And their excellent optical performance makes them higher quality choices than most brand-new alternatives.
Click here to read more about the upcycling process.
Learn more about Circular Economy.
Temperature dependent work with an OLIS upcycled HP 8452 & 8453
OLIS Upcycled HP 8453 Resources
VIDEO: Windows 10 alternative to ChemStation for the HP 8453
Detailed explanation of how we upcycle these quality instruments with modern electronics and Win 10 software for decades more use.