Circularly Polarized Luminescence Publications

Pyrene-Containing ortho-Oligo(phenylene)ethynylene Foldamer as Ratiometric Probe Based on Circularly Polarized Luminescence

Minh H. Nguyen, Masashi Imanishi, Taichi Kurogi, Xuemei Wan, Jane E. Ishmael, Kerry L. McPhail, and Amos B. Smith III

The Journal of Organic Chemistry  2018, 83, 8, 4287-4306 

Enantiopure distorted ribbon-shaped nanographene combining two-photon absorption-based upconversion and circularly polarized luminescence

Carlos M. Cruz, Irene R. Márquez,  Inês F. A. Mariz, Victor Blanco, Carlos Sánchez-Sánchez,   Jesús M. Sobrado,  José A. Martín-Gago, Juan M. Cuerva, Ermelinda Maçôas,  and  Araceli G. Campaña 

Chem. Sci., 2018,9, 3917-3924

Undecabenzo[7]superhelicene: A Helical Nanographene Ribbon as a Circularly Polarized Luminescence Emitter

Carlos M. Cruz, Dr. Silvia Castro‐Fernández, Dr. Ermelinda Maçôas, Prof. Juan M. Cuerva, Dr. Araceli G. Campaña 

Volume57, Issue45, November 5, 2018, Pages 14782-14786

OFF/ON switching of circularly polarized luminescence by oxophilic interaction of homochiral sulfoxide-containing o-OPEs with metal cations

Pablo Reiné, Ana M. Ortuño, Sandra Resa, Luis Álvarez de Cienfuegos, Victor Blanco, M. José Ruedas-Rama, Giuseppe Mazzeo, Sergio Abbate, Andrea Lucotti, Matteo Tommasini, Santiago Guisán-Ceinos, Maria Ribagorda, Araceli G. Campaña, Antonio Mota, Giovanna Longhi, Delia Miguel and  Juan M. Cuerva  

Chem. Commun., 2018,54, 13985-13988

Circularly Polarized Luminescence of Boronic Acid-Derived Salicylidenehydrazone Complexes Containing Chiral Boron as Stereogenic Unit

Vicente G. Jiménez, Fábio M. F. Santos, Silvia Castro-Fernández, Juan M. Cuerva, Pedro M. P. Gois, Uwe Pischel, and Araceli G. Campaña

J. Org. Chem. 2018, 83, 22, 14057–14062

Strong Circularly Polarized Luminescence at 1550 nm from Enantiopure Molecular Erbium Complexes | Journal of the American Chemical Society

Nishya F. M. Mukthar, Nathan D. Schley, and Gaël Ung

Journal of the American Chemical Society 2022 144 (14), 6148-6153

VIDEO: Circularly Polarized Luminescence (CPL) with OLIS DSM 172

CPL being done with xenon arc lamp through the Cary 17 prism-grating monochromator with the OLIS Polarization Toolbox, single grating emission mono and photon counter. Dr. Richard DeSa and Prof Jeff Petty at Furman University. These measurements were followed by the identical measurement using a wavelength appropriate LED as the exciting source

Strong Circularly Polarized Luminescence at 1550 nm from Enantiopure Molecular Erbium Complexes

N. F. M. Mukthar, N. D. Schley, G. Ung*, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 144, 6148-6153

Synthesis of Bright Water-Soluble Circularly Polarized Luminescence Emitters as Potential Sensors

J. A. Adewuyi, N. D. Schley, G. Ung*, Inorg. Chem. Front. 2022, 9, 1474-1480.

Substituent Effect on the Circularly Polarized Luminescence of C1-Symmetrical Carbene-Copper(I) Complexes

E. E. Braker,‡ N. F. M. Mukthar,‡ N. D. Schley, G. Ung*, ChemPhotoChem 2021, 5, 902-905. (‡ equal contribution; Invited contribution: “Special Collection: Circularly Polarised Luminescence”).

High Circularly Polarized Luminescence Brightness from Analogues of Shibasaki’s Lanthanide Complexes

M. Deng, N. D. Schley, G. Ung*, Chem. Commun. 2020, 56, 14813-14816.

Synthesis of Enantiopure Lanthanide Complexes Supported by Hexadentate N,N’-bis(methylbipyridyl)bipyrrolidine and their Circularly Polarized Luminescence

D. Schnable, K. Freedman, K. M. Ayers, N. D. Schley, M. Kol, G. Ung*, Inorg. Chem. 2020, 59, 8498-8504.

Circularly Polarized Luminescence from Enantiopure C2-Symmetrical Tetrakis(2-pyridylmethyl)-1,2-diaminocyclohexane Lanthanide Complexes

K. M. Ayers, N. D. Schley, G. Ung*, Inorg. Chem. 2020, 59, 7657-7665.

Yellow Circularly Polarized Luminescence from C1-Symmetrical Copper(I) Complexes

M. Deng,‡ N. F. M. Mukthar,‡ N. D. Schley, G. Ung*, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020, 59, 1228-1231. (‡ equal contribution)

Spinolate Lanthanide Complexes for High Circularly Polarized Luminescence Metrics in the Visible and Near-Infrared

Journal of the American Chemical Society (

Magnetic Assembly of Eu-Doped NaYF4 Nanorods for Field-Responsive Linearly and Circularly Polarized Luminescence

Zhongxiang Wang, David Schnable, Qingsong Fan, Zhiwei Li, Gaël Ung*, and Yadong Yin*

High Quantum Yields from Perfluorinated Binolate Erbium Complexes and Their Circularly Polarized Luminescence

Joseph A. Adewuyi and Gaël Ung*

Augmentation of NIR Circularly Polarized Luminescence Activity in Shibasaki-Type Lanthanide Complexes Supported by the Spirane Sphenol

David Schnable and Gaël Ung*

Simple Encoded Circularly Polarized Protein Lighting

Stephanie Grümbel, Marco Hasler, Sara Ferrara, Marta Patrian, Jesús Agustín Banda-Vázquez, Pedro B. Coto, Juan Pablo Fuenzalida Werner,* and Rubén D. Costa*