Why choose the OLIS Upcycled Aminco DW2/DW2000?
You own this gold standard for turbid sample studies and see no reason to change ships now
So much great science has been done on these instruments!
Replacing costs far more than upcycling and very little is gained for the additional expense
Ask for a price quote today!
OLIS Upcycled Aminco DW2/DW2000 Resources
IMAGE: Tseliso works on two Aminco DW-2 spectrophotometers. Undercarriage houses electronics and motors which replaced with Win 10 era alternatives. The newly upcycled units run under SpectralWorks software, ready to support cytochrome P450 and similar studies for the coming decades.
BROCHURE: Enjoy this 1978 brochure on the original Aminco DW-2!