The IC Series! “Little Miracle” versions of CLARiTY for Exactly Your Application
Your required measurement might be at 280 nm for protein concentration, or at 430 nm for wort color, or at 280, 430, and 570 nm for your sample. Make your measurement where it matters most – on clear or turbid/ hazy samples – in seconds. When you use this proven game-changing little instrument, you are liberated from clarification, filtration, centrifugation, and/or numerical correction. With 2 mL of sample and one touch instruction, the right answer is displayed 4 seconds later. Make this measurement where it matters most. You choose clear solution or a turbid, hazy, cloudy, frozen, or otherwise light scattering sample. The choice is now yours, not the instrument’s.

"We are so excited to be done with filtering forever!
This is a little miracle instrument."
“Use of an integrating cavity spectrometer to easily determine beer SRM color
without filtration, centrifugation or numerical correction "
Scott C. Bailey-Hartsel, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
ASBC 2023 Poster
Example Applications:
Protein Concentration with the IC280
Dairy UV pasteurization with the IC254
Malts, Wort, Beer Color with the IC430
Internal Standard with the IC460
Syrup & Sugar Color with the IC560
Wine Color, Hue & Intensity with the IC420/520/620
Your Application with the IC XYZ: You specify any 1, 2, or 3 wavelengths within 240-1100 nm
Why Invest in an Application-Specific CLARiTY IC system?
You want the correct color, concentration, or other UV or Vis measurement
You want this measurement where it matters: in solution, suspension, or solid samples
You want the answer quickly (4 seconds), precisely (3rd decimal place), and easily (touchscreen interface)
It’s a "Little Miracle Instrument"
This moniker was bestowed by an early adaptor who obviously fell in love with the ease, speed, and precision of these single application CLARiTY units.
Enjoy the power and freedom to measure where it matters. Your sample can be turbid, hazy, cloudy, frozen, and – yes -- even clear, because scatter does not matter. This game-changing instrument will immediately save you time and consumables while returning 3rd decimal place accuracy. Are you ready for a little miracle in your lab?
Ask for a price quote today!
Watch how fast and easy the IC unit is to use.
The CLARiTY Advantage
Integrating Cavity Spectrophotometers For a Powerful New Generation of Measurements
Everyone knows about spectrophotometers that use cuvettes. With cuvette spectrophotometers, accurate results are possible only with perfectly clear samples. When the sample is hazy or turbid, the light beam carrying the absorbance information is scattered, much of it away from the detector. The answer is therefore higher absorbance than is correct. Read more...