Absorbance Models for Clear Solutions
Do you need best-in-class UV/Vis, UV/Vis/NIR, or IR performance?
Sometimes, “best” was made 20+ years ago. Four of these five OLIS spectrophotometry systems are upcycled classics. There is no downside to upcycling an internationally recognized benchmark great. Once upgraded, these OLIS products are warrantied and supported as brand-new.
OLIS Upcycled 8452 UV/Vis
Already own a HP8452? We can upcycle it!
Don't own one? Buy a complete system from us
Modern support and Windows 10 software
OLIS 8453 UV/Vis:
An upcycled HP 8453
At this price point, you cannot get a higher value UV/Vis for clear sample studies
4th decimal place sensitivity
190-1100 nm, 1 nm resolution
The upcycled Cary 14
Almost no one could afford a Cary 14 today. Its original price comes to over $120K in 2022 currency. But buying it completely upcycled from us is easily within the budget of anyone shopping today for the best UV/Vis/NIR.
Modernize yours or purchase complete system from us.
185-2600 nm, angstrom resolution, negligible stray light
Developed for stopped-flow kinetic studies, this unique and patented scanning spectrophotometry system captures 1,000 scans per second with milliabsorbance sensitivity
Laser/ flash photolysis at 1,000 points per 0.5 milliseconds
No diode array or CCD is superior for speed, sensitivity, & wavelength specificity
OLIS Upcycled Perkin Elmer 983IR
The gold standard dispersive IR used by optical coating giants and others demanding ultimate Y-axis precision
Already own a PE 983? We can upcycle it! Don't own one? Buy a complete system from us
After modernization, you’ll be using OLIS Win10 software and today’s best electro-mechanical hardware
Phosphorescence Lifetime PLT3
Direct alternative to time correlated single photon counting (TCSPC)
Fast & flexible...collect a decay curve up to 4,000 times per second
You can purchase this as a free-standing system or purchase the hardware/ software for seamless integration of phosphorescence lifetime into a OLIS spectrophotometer, where the sample compartment and computerization come from the host instrument.