Millisecond scanning with milliabsorbance sensitivity
Developed for stopped-flow spectroscopy, the “RSM 1000” identifies “Rapid-Scanning Monochromator” capturing “1000 scans/ second.” The name used on the 1992 patent is “Subtractive Double Grating Monochromator with Moving Intermediate Slit.” Every OLIS product with the numeral “1000” includes this singular performance: milliabsorbance sensitivity with millisecond scan rates.
In addition, when used in single wavelength mode, the acquisition rate becomes 1000 points per 0.5 milliseconds, perfect for laser/ flash photolysis.
Standard Model Performance
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"It is wonderful! The RSM acquires data in seconds that I formerly took in hours [and] the RSM software does the job in a matter of seconds!"
H. James Harmon,University of Oklahoma
"First though, let me say that we are putting the RSM through its paces, and so far it's been giving us nice results all across the board. I've obtained data for reactions occurring on microsecond, millisecond and minute scales, and I even had to follow one reaction for 2 h! I'm hoping to get some data on my enzyme of interest pretty soon, and as soon as I do I'll send you guys a copy."
Andy Pacheco,University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
"The RSM 1000: What a machine. This is a real research tool Bluntly put: f-a-n-t-a-s-t-i-c. And the software is out of another world. My, this is unbelievable software."
Prof Jannie Swarts, University of the Free State
"We are still using the RSM. Sixteen years with minimal to zero problems and still getting good data."
Prof Dany Kim-Shapiro, Wake Forest University
Why Choose the OLIS RSM 1000?
You are following reactions that last microseconds to seconds
You want all the data you can possibly get from each kinetic experiment, so that the absolutely minimum sample volume is needed for publication ready results
You want speed and sensitivity without compromise, never having to limit yourself to either fast or correct
Our First Spectrophotometer:
the OLIS RSM 1000
Since its introduction in 1994, the OLIS RSM 1000 has been the first choice of top research labs involved in kinetic studies such as stopped-flow and laser/flash photolysis.
Ask for a price quote today!
This one millisecond spectrum was collected on the prototype, circa 1992.
Look at this high-resolution spectrum, collected in 1992. What is special about it? It was collected in one millisecond. Software written by the highest caliber scientists and software developers over a nearly five year period was required to handle the megabyte of data per second the RSM produces.
This OLIS RSM 1000 remains the only rapid-scanning monochromator in existence. With it, you can answer questions impossible on ‘normal’ spectrophotometers. It easily gives you milliabsorbance sensitivity and millisecond spectral acquisition rates, and single keystroke software steps for 3D analysis.
A Brilliant Breakthrough by anyone’s criteria, this spectrophotometry system collects a megabyte of data per second for highest density data acquisition from minimal sample.
Do you know what a “subtractive” double monochromator is?
We didn’t either, until we invented one. (And then another!) These alternatives to the “additive” double monochromators used by all the other commercial manufacturers have very useful advantages. Learn about their zero temporal dispersion and homogeneous output beams here.
Dynamic Simulation of Light Throughput of the RSM 1000
Not sure if you should choose a diode array, CCD, or scanning spectrophotometer?
Reading this may help.
The CLARiTY Advantage
Integrating Cavity UV/Vis Spectrophotometers – CLARiTY Models –
are for Clear and Not Clear Samples!
Everyone knows about cuvettes. The most common is a 1 cm² version. Short pathlength cuvettes are the alternative for high absorbance studies. Masked cuvettes are used for low volume samples. Cuvettes must be quartz for UV (nominally 170-400 nm); glass and plastic cuvettes can be used for visible and NIR range. Read more...
OLIS RSM 1000 Resources
DOCUMENT: The 1000 line: Best kinetics with least sample, highest photometric performance, and maximum experimental design opportunities.
DOCUMENT: OLIS RSM 1000 with all components named
DOCUMENT: List of RSM 1000 owners
DATA: Rapid scanning stopped-flow measurements of the reaction of wild-type TPL with L-tyrosine and 4-PD.
DATA: One millsecond holmium oxide filter scan
IN THE LAB: An Olis RSM 1000 with stopped-flow operating in Professor James Mayer's lab at Yale University.
BROCHURE: OLIS RSM 1000: Unparalleled speed, versatility, and performance
GRATINGS: Available Gratings for the RSM
Introducing the RSM 1000 rapid-scanning spectrophotometer for stopped-flow & much more